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Disease is but a signal from a body that has lost it’s harmony. Conventional medicine treats diseases with patented medicines which is actually a downstream medicine. Healthy Aging Medicine is an upstream medicine where the focus is on prevention, early detection and treatment of age related dysfunction which adds.


Healthy Aging Medicine is evidence based medical care substantiated by medical research and using cutting edge technologies such as Stem Cell Therapeutics, Genetic Engineering and Genomics, Nanotechnology for treatment at the most Cellular Level.

SAHAMM (Society for the Advancement of Hormones and Healthy Aging Medicine, MALAYSIA) is an independent, non-political and public interest organization representing views and aspirations of all qualified persons and sectors in Malaysia. This society endeavors to promote advances in healthy-aging and preventive medicine.

It is independent of all governments, government agencies and other organizations. It is a non-profit organization, funded by membership fees, subscriptions, courses & other programs, book sales and donations.

It is incorporated in late 2010 with a group of doctors who had a passion towards wellness and healthy-aging medicine. We believe in progressive education that is evidence-based that emphasizes hands on training.

Our Missions

Leader in healthy-aging medicine Providing a high quality training and certification course or advance diploma in healthy-aging field for professional group and for those in health related disciplines

Providing a high quality training and certification course or advance diploma in healthy-aging field for professional group and for those in health related disciplines

Disseminate information to the public through books, seminars or through newletters

To be internationally recognized in the Asean region to be the centre of healthy-aging and wellness training.