Online membership form under construction. |      We anticipate being ready in just few days.


Dear Members and Supporters of SAHAMM,

As the President of the Society for the Advancement of Hormones and Healthy Aging Medicine (SAHAMM) in Malaysia, it is my honor to address you and convey the essence of our organization's mission and values.

SAHAMM, established in late 2010, is more than just an organization; it is a collective effort driven by a group of dedicated doctors who share a profound passion for wellness and healthy-aging medicine. Our society is founded on principles of independence, non-political engagement, and a commitment to public interest. We represent the diverse views and aspirations of all qualified individuals and sectors in Malaysia, uniting professionals in a shared goal of advancing healthcare.

Our primary focus lies in promoting advances in healthy aging and preventive medicine. We firmly believe in the power of progressive education that is rooted in evidence-based practices, emphasizing hands-on training. SAHAMM serves as a platform for fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and facilitating advancements in the field.

Crucially, SAHAMM is independent of all governments, government agencies, and other organizations. This independence ensures that our initiatives are guided solely by the pursuit of knowledge and the improvement of healthcare standards, free from external influences. We are a non-profit organization, sustained by the dedication of our members, funding through membership fees, subscriptions, courses, programs, book sales, and the generosity of donations.

As we move forward, our commitment remains unwavering. We strive to make a lasting impact on the landscape of healthy aging and preventive medicine in Malaysia. We invite you to be an active part of this journey, contributing your expertise, ideas, and support.

Together, let us advance the frontiers of healthcare, promote wellness, and work towards a healthier and more vibrant future for our community.

Thank you for being a vital part of SAHAMM.


Dr. Suresh Rajoo